WzWeb Design Policies

This is the WzWeb Design Policies, accessible from WzWeb.click

What Are Cookies

WzWeb, like many professional web design studios, utilizes cookies - small files downloaded to your computer. These enhance your user experience. This message is to enlighten you on the data gathered by these cookies, how it aids us, and the necessity of storing them occasionally. We also provide information on how to disable these cookies, though it may impact certain elements of the site's functionality.

How We Use Cookies

At WzWeb, we employ cookies for numerous purposes outlined later. Regrettably, there are limited standard choices in deactivating cookies without entirely disabling the capabilities they add to this site. We advise keeping all cookies enabled if in doubt, as they could help deliver a service that you utilize.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies. This Cookies Policy was created with the help of the Cookies Policy Generator.

The Cookies We Set

  • "WzWeb Design Studio"

    Upon account creation with WzWeb, we apply cookies for managing your registration and general administration. Typically, these cookies are wiped when you log out. However, they might persist to recall your preferences on our web design studio when logged out.

  • "WzWeb design studio cookies"

    WzWeb offers newsletter services and uses cookies to recall your registration status. These cookies determine notifications relevant to subscribed/unsubscribed clients of our web design studio.

  • "WzWeb design cookies"

    Occasionally, we at WzWeb run surveys and questionnaires to furnish you with intriguing insights and innovative tools or deepen our understanding of our client base. These surveys might use cookies to recall those participants or to proffer accurate results as you navigate pages.

Third Party Cookies

In certain instances, WzWeb, our web design studio, utilizes cookies from reliable third parties. Find out here which third-party cookies you could encounter.

  • WzWeb employs third-party analytics to monitor and evaluate site usage. These analytics use cookies that may track metrics like time spent on site and page visits, allowing us to enhance our web design studio based on your needs.

  • Our web design studio, WzWeb, uses smart cookies to display more relevant website designs while limiting repeat views for a customized browsing experience.

    For inquiries on WzWeb design studio, consult our official privacy FAQ page.

More Information

We trust this has made things clearer for you. As noted before, if you're unsure about a feature you might need from our web design studio, WzWeb, it's usually better to keep it enabled. It might enhance your experience on our platform.

For more general information on cookies, please read the Cookies Policy article.

If you need further info regarding WzWeb, feel free to reach out via our chosen communication channels.

  • WzWDS:
  • Visit WzWeb Studio:
  • WzWeb: